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How to Develop your own unique Brand Voice

Updated: Oct 24, 2022

Brand voice …… That's what we're talk about today!! Okay – so you want to talk to people in a way that doesn’t sound like you have something lodged some where it shouldn’t be and you’re finding it kinda hard. I get it! I work with both corporate and small to medium businesses, so finding a brand voice that fits is not a inborn talent, it is learnable..

When it comes to small businesses, usually (not always, but usually) the brand voice is the owner’s tone of voice.

So before we dive in, let’s start at the beginning – WHAT IS BRAND VOICE?

Google tells me that – “Brand voice is the purposeful, consistent expression of a brand through words and prose styles that engage and motivate. The personality of your brand is determined, in large measure, by the words you use and the sentences you write.

I’ve recently had a number of clients who have struggled to define or develop their personal brand voice and so I thought this was a timely piece to write as we are in Q4, our last chance to strategise about our brands and how we show up. I always think it’s good to review things and make sure you’re “on point ” with your personal brand – and voice is one of the most important things.

Here are 4 things you need to master most :

(1) Type of communication style: If I asked you to describe how you communicate and how you want to connect with people, what are three words you would use? For me in I want my brand voice to be : 1. Fun & Real – I love a laugh so it’s super important that some of our posts have a sense of humour, share things I think are funny and just be me – which can be daggy at times, fun for our reads but also honest. Life isn’t a highlight reel! 2. Helpful & Supportive – I’m a business coach and brand consultant so we need to provide helpful tips, respond and engage to and with our audience and support them to grow their business & brand too. 3. StorySeller – When it happened, why it happened, what she said, what was great, who was there, how you can be part of it next time -yay!

(2) Structure the Brand persona:

Create your brand persona. Who is she? What’ is she like? What is she here to do, say, be and how can you invoke her when you’re writing your copy and creating your online magic?

This is someone "Real" in character ,behaviors , ways you speak and handle situations. You don't have to fake a persona, but you improve it.

(3) Stick to your lane :

In order to build a sustainable personal brand stick to your brand values, tones, and presentation.Avoid outpouring your personal brand in so many industry at your initial stage, allow your brand to grow organically and branch as you grow.

(4) Engage in relatable topics with grace :

People buy people, people invest in alike, it is human, as an executive invest in improving your relationships with people, refine your communication skills, etiquette, presentation ,hosting skills so that you amplify connectivity.

I hope these tips will help you review your personal brand voice both online and in-person.

If you are looking for ways to improve on your personal brand voice check down below what we can help you with.



-5th November: Elevate program ( A 4 weeks program for Executives who desire to command presence and improve their conversion) .

-28th-30th November : Elegance in festive season three days course for ladies who want to host and appear elegantly during this festive season .

elevate program,First lady effect, style maker over services, etiquette individual sessions and consultancy are available upon request . You can register through the link below .

Have a wonderful week ,take up spaces!

Coach Alice.



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